Saturday, February 26, 2011

Night off

I finished rehearsals early so I thought, why not stop by plaza singapura for a quick dinner?

Since I was having dinner, I thought, why not go visit Caesar's, my favourite shop.

Since I was on the way to Caesar's, why not stop at the Lego shop too.

Since I was at the lego shop, and they had what I wanted at a low price, why not buy it?

I got more change than I expected. They were having a 20% storewide sale.


Since they were having a storewide sale, why not buy more!

I considered buying this...

I had wanted something like this since I was a kid.

But in the end decided not to.

I find more joy spending $70 on things that will make 10 different people happy rather than buying one thing that will make only me happy.

Since I find more joy in giving small gifts to people than big gifts to myself, I thought, why not go to Daiso?

And since everything in Daiso was so cheap, I bought so many things!

I finally reached the top floor where Caesars was on, and my back and calves hurt.

Since I was so close, I might as well visit the other toy shops along the way too!

And since I spent so much time elsewhere, by the time I got to Caesars, it was closed.

Since when did I ever take a short detour?

But it was not in vain. In Daiso, at the most unlikely of times and places, I helped a pair of girls take down a packet of lolly pops located high above their reach.

Yes, for that random tiny act of awesomeness, the night was worth it.

Now back to my pull-ups.

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