Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I was at Holland V after getting my eyebrows threaded.

I saw Hilda as I headed up the escalator.

I smsed her to tell her I saw her in Holland V.

I went to Holland Road Shopping Centre to look around.

Hilda replied.

I twitted:.

I got a call from Ziwei asking if I was at Holland V from my status.

I went to the shop she was working at to help her.

Her shoes had broken and she needed someone to watch the stall while she bought new shoes, so I lent her mine and sat down in the shop selling dresses.

A girl in Browhaus uniform walked by.

She looked at the dresses
She looked at me
She saw my threaded brows
She saw my feet had no shoes on
She saw the broken pair of heels in front of me

She giggled

She walked on.

Ah... these are moments to live for.

After that I got a call from dad telling me where he'll pick me.

Before I could hang up, Adele walked by and waved.

Then walking out of Holland V, an older woman missed a step and fell right in front of me.

I went forward to help her up, saying, "Are you okay auntie?"

She turned her head to thank me, only then did I realise she was caucasian.

I helped her up, finding it weird to call he auntie.

I looked up and at the entrance of Cold Storage and saw a girl my age- Jocelyn if I remember right, my classmate from primary school whom I had not seen since primary school, supporting an old lady out of the supermarket.

Today was a strange day.

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