Wednesday, August 11, 2010

69 Nights

Marianne has been gone.

I've not slept in my own bed.


For all of you who've wondered what happens to a guy if he sleeps in a pink room with pink pillows and cushions and blankets... I've tried it out on your curious behalf. Well, nothing strange happens.

Actually no something did happen- I became a much happier person. Marianne's bed is so soft and comfortable that I sleep so well. My own bed is much harder- not so nice. And my room has hardly the ventilation that her's has. So yes, I rise happier and shine brighter.

But one night, I dreamt I was Megan Fox.

Now the question I have is... was I looking at some dream Marianne left behind in her pillow, or did someone just perform an Inception on me?

It's been 69 nights away from my bed. Tonight, I'm going back.

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