Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 12

Day 3 of the beginner's fencing course.

We were split to teams of 4 to fight tournament style.

The 1st fencer from competing teams fight to reach 5 points first.

The second pair continues from their scores and fight to reach 10 points first.

So on till the last pair of fencers fight to hit the 20 point mark and win.

In other words, the later fencers can make up for the earlier fencer's mistakes.

My team put me last.

Our first fencer lost 3-5

Our second fencer lost too, making the score 6-10.

Our third fencer was a guy and, against a girl, he gained back some ground to lose at 13-15.

I saddled up.

Our team was holding a blade of a different handle from the rest of the competitors, which gave us a disadvantage because the team was not used to the straight handle- we had used a pistol grip which makes blocking much easier.

But I had trained at home with straight grip weapons for years...


I was half expecting the see the greatest miracle in my life today as I headed to school.

I have seen huge miracles in other's lives, and was hoping to finally experience one myself.

I would have celebrated it as a lasting ordinance all the days of my life.

For God would have worked where man had failed, and opened a door no one else could.

I went to see the psychology department one last time, and ask them to let me retake the stats module that I had passed (so I cannot retake it) but not cleared (so I cannot major in psychology).

After 3 days of fasting and prayer alone or with friends and family, I spoke to the department's manager.


I began fencing and held steady as the opponent's team best moved quickly and attacked.

I held him at bay and reduced his lead by taking the first few points.

Then he caught on with my style and was able to capitalize on some of my mistakes.

We fought each other hard for every point, and though he reached 19 points first, I was able to finally able to level the match off at 19-19 to set us up for a grand finale.


The manager said no, I cannot retake the module, without any shadow of doubt.

I lost the last point in the fencing bout.


I almost won.

But that also means I lost.

Yeah I drew the shorter straw to begin with, but I think only one question remains now.

Do I dispair?


I removed my mask, shook my opponent's hand, and smiled.

"Good game," he said.

"Good Game." I replied.

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