Monday, August 9, 2010

I thought I was going to die last night.

I have never really feared death. Not till last night.

I was working on my video for BMCH, the Christian hospital in India that I lived in for the whole of last month. The video will help the head doctor garner support from USA when he visits in a few days. They really need the support and have been in the red for several months, serving the poor at a very low price.

Nothing has gone smoothly since I began working on this video. Every technical problem that could happen, and some that could not happen, happened. I failed to complete it in India, and brought the video home to have the whole SMU Broadcasting team assist me in converting the video to something I can work with.

When the technicalities were finally out of the way, I started throwing up. After I rested for an entire day and recovered from the food poisoning, I lost the hand written script for the video. I found it the day after between my TV table and the opaque glass table covering. Like where? Then yesterday I woke with a terribly painful jaw joint on the right.

I had lost too much time. The video needs to be in US on the 12th of August. Last night I was rushing the video until 4am, and only managed to finish half of it. My jaw was so pain I realised I needed to stop and rest, for I could no longer work. I had only 5 hours of sleep the night before and could barely hold out.

As I reached to turn off the light, my thumb scraped the wall and the nail split. Suay is one thing. Spiritual attack is another. This, was spiritual attack. The devil didn't want me to finish this video.

I trimmed off the broken nail and peeled off some of the exposed skin, clipped up the fluttering curtain with 3 clothes pegs (though I normally use only 1) and went to bed. Moments after I lay down, the 3 pegs came off, the wind blew and the curtain brushed my face to make sure I don't get to sleep.

And I was seized by a sudden irrational fear. I knew I was under spiritual attack, I knew it was getting worst, and I knew I was not strong enough to deal with this. As I felt the thick wave of fear enter the room I cried out in the name of Jesus, sang a vesper and said the Lord's prayer aloud. Then there was peace, and I slept.

Today I was sneezing all afternoon.

I feared for my life last night. I honestly feared an unnatural death. But at least I've found something worth dying for.

Keep me in prayer. Please.

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