Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 1

It was a cool grey morning, and as i left the house, dad asked me if I did up my hair. "No, coz I'm in my second year now." Armed with shorts, t-shirt and sandals, I didn't bother dressing up for the first day of school.

This is probably the first day of my last semester in NUS, the beauty of which is that I have 6 months to say goodbye, day by day, to the place I've come to love.

Today was nothing short of amazing. My new lecturer called my name like... 20 times in class? And someone who knew me from JC commented that it looked like I had not aged since JC.

What does that mean? I asked.

"You seem happy. You're not jaded like everyone else."

Maybe it was the return to India. Maybe it was being back in school and seeing all the people I miss. Maybe it was that greek goddess of a lecturer who taught me last sem who I walked past. Either way, I'm happy today.

And here are things I want to do before I blow out of NUS.

  • Dye my hair
  • Watch the sunset from:
    • AS7 roof
    • Engineering building
    • Library roof
    • Kent Ridge Park
  • Eat at:
    • Every stall of the arts canteen.
    • Ma la huo guo
    • Megabytes
    • Business canteen
    • Engineering canteen
    • Sheares Hall- Chicken for Supper
  • Join fencing
  • Go for salsa night
  • Visit my favourite Japanese Lecturer

I ate at business canteen today! And I ate with my hands. One down! Hahaa but i burnt my fingers. Heh. And the Ma la huo guo stall is closed! Sob. Never mind, there is still much to do this sem.

Imma gonna live like I'm dying. I kinda am right?

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