Sunday, August 15, 2010

It is done.

It really is done.


I don't need to even start telling you how difficult this video was to make.

The devil was at my heels every step of the way.

But God was there too, and by His hand this was done. I had surrendered this project to him time and time again. I could not contend with the stress and pressure and devil. But God was there to pull his video through.

To God be the Glory.

You might not notice, but the last 10 seconds of the video has been corrupted. It's like a last ditch effort of the enemy that left a scar on the work of art.

But it's okay. The only thing lost is my name at the end of the credits. Then again, this video was long ago handed over to the Lord, so why should I be upset my name gets blotted out if the video was not mine anyway?

To God be the Glory, for the things he has done.

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