Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 7

Ate at the munchie monkey for the first time in my life before going for fencing.

My first opponent was a girl.

After scoring 2 points against her I could not bring myself to fight properly.

I can't fight a girl. I can't stab a girl.

I still won, but gently.

My next opponent was a new friend I made.

He gave me a few bruises on my arm, but I gave him a trashing.

My last opponent was the only one of the 6 I've fought to beat me.

He was left handed, which made me have to use an uncomfortable backhand action to parry his blade. I did not have the strength to block his attacks the way I could with a right hander, and lost by a point.

The last bout was fantastic. We faught like crazy for every point and a small crowd gathered. Even though it was a 5 point match, we were totally tired out after.

I really do want to join fencing.

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