Friday, September 24, 2010


I almost got knocked down by a car on the way to school.

Bus had stopped at the traffic light. Green man. I hurriedly began to cross.

A car was fast approaching, hidden from view on the opposite side of the bus.

He had crossed over a double white line and was driving against traffic.

He was in a lane I was not expecting him to be in, and he was trying to beat the red light.

I had rushed past in front of the bus and was about to cross over and break a leg.

But the guy opposite me had not crossed the road even though the man was green.

So I slowed down and as I reached the corner and peeked out.

The car saw me and did a sudden stop too, but only came to a halt after the stop line.

If I hadn't slowed down... Break a leg.

So my question is, why am I rushing to school on a holiday?

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