Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It was a bad day.

I tried to study for my sexuality exam tomorrow in the library but my mind kept wandering off.

I tried to secretly leave an encouraging note for the girl sleeping at the table next to mine, but my jacket brushed her and she woke to see me leaning over her table. Awkward.

I got the film group guys to convert our footage to digital form and all was going so surprisingly well- up to the moment I collected the files from them after they had worked on it the whole day. Wrong format.

I got trashed at fencing for the first time by a fellow junior. The fresh fencers have reached a certain skill level that we're no longer randomly attacking. I expect myself to be losing bouts for the next few weeks as I desperately try to polish up my terrible basics.

I stepped out of the computer lab after spending an hour with my face in my hands. It was a bad day. I stopped outside the door, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and gave out a loud sigh as I lowered my head.

"Do you need a hug?" One of God's little angels said to me.

I said yes and got a hug.

It wasn't that bad a day after all.

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