Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 18

I made a statement that my tutor called profound today. Yay!

And after class...

Melanie: I like her (our tutor's) dress.

Justin: Me too.

Mel: You're not supposed to be liking girls' dresses!

Just: Excuse me, do girls dress up only for other girls?

Mel: You're saying that girls dress up for guys and I totally disagree. Like when I wear a dress my dad asks who's the guy I'm dressing up for. Come on, we don't just dress up for guys!

Just: I never said girls dress up for guys, they dress up because they just want to look good. But then again we all do tend to dress better when we're meeting someone we like. Yes, it's not always the case. But most of the time it is! Why do you think I got my hair dyed?

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