Sunday, September 12, 2010

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Why I'm happy to stay in NUS (and not go elsewhere to study):

I get to eat Shears Hall Chicken for supper.

I get to minor in Gender Studies. And Psychology. So I'll finally understand how people think in general through sociology, how people think individually in psychology, and most importantly, I'll finally learn to give up trying to understand how women think after taking gender studies.

I'll be close to friends like Melanie. Seriously, if everyone had a friend like her, the world would be a much better/happier/interesting place. Pass me my stuffed toy. Yes, seriously.

I'll get to see my best friend Jon Ma when he returns from overseas. I'll be around when he's back in NUS and will get to see him fall in love, get married, have children, and finally graduate.

I have a friend in every lecture I go for! Though my friends tend to skip lectures... It's the idea that they might be there that keeps me going.

I can stay in KPC. Oh yes. I'll get to see Marianne Lee get married. Provided she doesn't hold the ceremony in Japan or something. And I'll get to see my sec 1 and 2 sunday school boys grow up, fall in love, get married, have children, and hopefully gain some semblance of maturity in the process. Song Yang and Matthew... My fellow sunday school teachers... We got a lot of work to do.

I get to take the train from Punggol to Harbour Front every day. I complain about it much, but honestly, I love it. I always get a seat, and the train is my mind's playground.

I'll get to see if Kimberly remains as celibate as she says she is. Anyone else wants to place your bets?

I can finally afford the time and money to fence. It's a dream come true. And by next year, God-willing, I can join a novices' fencing competition. I call this sport "applied psychology".

I get to make fun of my Malaysian ex-(it's complicated)-girlfriend (as seen on FB) in school. I actually wrote a poem about it.

"In semester three
Oh my goodness me!
A complicated relationship
With Valerie Wee.

But as you can see...
It was not meant to be
After 48 hours
She had abandoned me."

I'll get to see my sister Marianne when she returns from overseas. I'll be around when she enters NUS and will get to see her fall in love, get married, have little nephews and nieces for me, and hopefully graduate.

I get to fly kite in SengKang and go Prawning with the Cai sisters!

I will be around lecturers who are real friends- like my gender studies tutor from last sem, Dr Ikeya. When I really needed help with the appeal, she was there to encourage and support me all the way through. God-sent angel.

I'll be there to send my parents off as they go into the mission field next year. It's every child's dream to have their parents grow up and do something useful with their lives. Marianne and I think they are finally mature enough to survive in the world outside our safe shores, are so proud to release them to the Lord for his service in August.

My closest friend from secondary school is returning to Singapore after finishing her medical degree in Australia (which I encouraged her to do)! Woo hoo Zhi Han!!! I can finally get free treatment!!!

Rachel Berry is coming back to Singapore too! Oh come and make some good movies for our nation. We need the foreign talent. Hahahaha.

Oh and my ex-fiance is also back. Yeah. Last time I used to propose to a lot of girls because I knew they would all say no. I didn't expect an Indian girl would say yes though. Anyway Priyanka is back too!


All the major women in my life (Jon Ma being the only exception) are returning to Singapore at the same time.

I tell you... next year is going to be a good year.

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