Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 24

Watching Singapore Gaga in school. It's an amazing show capturing the different soundscapes of Singapore.

There was a scene of a lady in a wheelchair selling tissue paper, singing to attract customers. I smiled realising the song she was singing in Hokkien was about Jesus. I broke down when I heard what she had to say after. I replayed the segment and began to write down the subtitles.

"I've been selling tissues all day
Very few people buy my tissues
I'm tired, so I sing Jesus songs
When I sing, I am happy
I forget all my troubles"

I copied to this point and paused the video to answer a phone call from an unknown number.

It was the NUS Career Centre.

And if you know what I signed up for, you would know this was the call I really wanted to receive, but knew there was little hope of receiving.

I came back to the TV screen so happy and resumed the film.

"God miraculously provides for me."

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