Monday, November 8, 2010

62 (three days)

Today was the last Singapore Film lecture.

They did a screening of some of our film projects.

I had been praying that ours would get screened,

Because I knew how much it would do for the group.

This rag tag group I was in came together out of nowhere, and everyone in the group worked their socks off to create this short film. They deserved the recognition of at least having an audience view their film.

My prayer was answered. Ours was shown first.

The last time the group watched the film, they were rather unsure about it.

Probably because they had seen it too many times that the humour had lost its effect.

But when we heard the whole lecture theatre roaring with laughter...


It's an amazing feeling when all doubts vaporize in an instant.

And after the movie we were given a loud applause.

The excitement we felt... was incredible.

Every member in the group was beaming after the lecture.

I individually thanked them and gave them each a small gift.

Then we bid each other farewell.

My hands were shaking.

The positive audience response didn't just do wonders for the group.

It did wonders for me too.

Thank you Lord, for answering prayers,
in a way beyond what I could imagine.

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