Friday, November 12, 2010

Actually, today was the best day.

How often...

Am I so engrossed in my Bible that I miss my train stop?

How often...

Do I get to take a bus ride to nowhere that I spend in prayer?
Do I have a girl take me for a drive in a big black mercedes?

How often...

Do I get to eat, and share, Ya Kun toast?
Do I laugh so hard upon seeing something on FB that my sides hurt?
Do I have a cat walking by my side meowing responsively?

And how often...

Do I bump into someone friendly when I'm lonely?
Do I get to give, and receive, encouraging smses from a struggling friend?
Do I get to bring home not one, but 2 sabres?
Do I get a 20 minute call from a friend from overseas?

Not often.

Yet today, I got to do all of these things.

Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

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