Friday, November 12, 2010

65 (zero days to the end of life as I know it)

Today. Was a bad day. I mean really bad. Started so bad. And it got worst and worst and worst.

Like what I posted earlier, I underslept and could not go back to sleep.

Right outside the sky was grey. The moment I stepped out it began to drizzle.

Thus was the gloomy weather the whole day.

I missed my train stop coz I forgot I was not heading directly to school today.

I only realised when I got down at the wrong stop and went up the escalator.

Then I took the wrong bus that headed in the wrong direction.

So I missed my appointment at Browhaus.

Thankfully they gave me another later one.

The string used to thread my eyebrows broke 7 times.

I then took a long bus ride to school from Holland Village.

It wasn't really long, just that I had spent too much time traveling today already.

Came to school to meet Cheryl. She was about to leave by the time I arrived.

She was going out to study, so I tagged along.

She drove us to... Holland Village.

I used her laptop to crawling internet downloading speeds.

I tried desperately to find out who to contact from Ubisoft regarding the copyright issues in the movie I made that I wanted to submit for a film competition. But I could find no contact info.

Wasted the rest of the day sitting in front of the computer in school.

Oh CRAP!!!

As I type this I realise I had totally forgotten to release the notes I wanted to print in school.

Oh my goodness... The form... for submission of the film... i didn't print it!!!

Deadline's tomorrow. Oh man... no. Ah crap.

Went to the Deck for a lonely dinner.

Looked up to the second floor and did not see Melanie and friends.

(Later found out they were there, just that I did not see them.)

I walked past the guy who could help me with my film thingy.

But I had not the guts to introduce myself and ask him for help.

Shuqin bumped into me. She said I looked like I wanted to cry.

I did. It had been such a frustrating day.

Felt like a wasted day.

there were but a few days before the exams.

I went for fencing and took a hit to my hand.

It started bleeding.

Florence stabbed me forcefully in the right nipple.

(Few weeks back she had slashed my left one.)

It hurt a lot. My nipple turned red.

Oh wait, nipples are red. Um... Redder.

Lugged home all the equipment for fencing competition.

Quite a lot. Extra wires and weapon.

You know what, it was a bad day because of all the little things. But more than anything else, I had expected this day to be the day that life as I would have known it would come to an end.

But that life didn't end.

It goes on and on and on and on.

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