Saturday, November 6, 2010

Remember, we're all in this alone


I was thinking about the marriage market.

It's troubling.

I just realised that our population numbers are dwindling.

That in itself isn't a problem to the marriage market.

We are becoming more individualistic.

We have more access to whatever we like through the internet.

Our interests are becoming so different and varied from each other.


Our expectations in a spouse have become even more specific.

This is the problem.

Less people, but more variation in expectations of a spouse.

More variation in people, but more specific expectations in a spouse.

(if we're becoming more different, how are we going to find someone alike?)

And... we have higher expectations in a spouse.

The way we look at marriage as a union of two couples in blissful love and all... I think it's too high an ideal. It is not going to happen for everyone. In fact most of us won't ever have a love story that resembles anything we hear in songs or watch in movies.

Question is, do we despair?

Because from the way I see it, if we hold on to hollywood ideals, most of us are not going to get married.

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