Thursday, October 6, 2011

The good news...

This came as a relief to me.

I'm a Hufflepuff.

(I keep thinking of them as Jigglypuffs.)

Hufflepuffs are not all weak.


I just realised that this diagram represents the distinctions between the houses:

Just replace the letters like this:
D - Slytherin
I - Gryffindor
S - Hufflepuff
C - Ravenclaw

Another thing to note though, I think sorting this way is silly.

Personality-wise, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw will never win at outdoor sports like Quidditch. It's just an unfair advantage to group all the extroverts in one house.

Let's see... who has won the house cup lately?

Like I was saying.

Another thing to note, Slytherin will never have enough people it their house. These are the people who are task oriented and not afraid to go for what they want, and being extraverted helps too. These are the people who normally have the capacity to lead a team. These are the people who are at the extreme of the bell curve.

When my batch did this personality test in secondary school, most of us ended up in I (Gryffindor) or S (Hufflepuff). C (Ravenclaw) had less people, but still had plenty. D (Slytherin) on the other hand, only had 3 people.

Good luck forming a Quidditch team.

And finally, pragmatics. By sorting everyone by personality, you're placing most of those with natural leadership potential in one group and placing all the followers in another.

That don't groom leaders very well right? I mean... How will leaders ever learn to lead in a group of leaders? Or who will lead among a group of followers? Well the most outspoken one I guess, who happens to be less outspoken than the quietest person in another house.

Good luck...

The houses need a mix of each personality type if we're ever going to have a fair game. It's quite depressing otherwise. I guess this whole sorting thing only works in fiction.

But that still don't change the fact that I'm a Hufflepuff.


  1. that is why houses aren't sorted according to personalities. there is a range of personalities in each house that doesn't correspond with DISC. my D is lowest and i'm in slytherin. each house has certain significant characteristics, not personality traits like extraversion or whatever. read my post on my blog, and those aren't exactly personality traits.
    but yeah i agree that you're a jigglypuff

  2. another thing.. right now ravenclaw has the most number of people. and the ravenclaws i know aren't C's at all.

    anyway here's a link to official descriptions of the houses:

  3. First, Kim and I don't think you're a Slytherin. You're more Ravenclaw.

    You're basing the sorting on the type of people sorted in Pottermore, while we are basing it on the type of people in the books. Might I dare say the sorting hat might not work well over the internet?

    Having said that though, the people who would be on Pottermore are people who are so obsessed over Harry Potter online that they are willing to prove their loyalty to it by signing on. You're gonna have a lot of introverted people there as compared to extroverts, thus the Ravenclaw boom online.

    Second, I'm reading the entire link to the page you posted and I still find it very much based on personality. I attribute the variation within the house to the sorting being done too early.

    The thing is, how else can you draw a continuum in a way that can categorize people? You're going to need 2 different sets of polarities, and I don't see another more apt than the one DISC provides.

  4. I OBJECT!!! Your DISC equivalents to hp houses are wrong!

  5. yeah well although i identify strongest with slytherin (did you read my list?) there's also some ravenclaw characteristics so that's not completely out.. except that according to your analysis this would mean i'm super non-people oriented since i'd be either D or C, but i'm actually an S most of the time. and another friend whom i would say is slytherin also (because of what he VALUES) is an I. and kim you're mainly a natural D right but i don't think you're in slytherin you're more gryffindor.

    for variation, in the books just take gryffindor as example. and they already showed these personality traits from the beginning so the hat would've based on that already. harry is an S who has I tendencies sometimes when his emotions are strong. hermione is a D. and ron is an S. the twins were Is. neville is an S. percy weasley is a D.
    and hufflepuff supposed to be S? you don't need to be an S to value fair play and decency and trustworthiness, and it doesn't follow that if you value those things you're automatically an S. can be anything else. although most hufflepuffs would really be Ss.

    so the house sorting wasn't to categorise people according to personality but based on what each founder valued most. it's values not personality traits. there might be a correlation between the two a lot of the time but not necessarily. so no need for polarities. and there's bound to be some that don't really fall anywhere (thus the dreaded Hatstall) 'cause they don't have identifiable values, or clashing ones, but everyone has identifiable personality traits.

    what i'm just saying is it's more complex than personality traits.. the variety in one house is made up of people with a central pool of values although different people hold to different ones from that pool, and the values manifest themselves in different ways (bravery resulting in rashness and craziness for some gryffindors but able to be tempered with level-headedness for others, ambition resulting in not caring about people for a lot of slytherins but not all, cunning meaning knowing how to achieve your purposes can be used for good or evil etc.).

  6. haha i just wrote an essay in your comment box bleah.
    see my slytherinness was rising to what i perceived as a challenge, if i were a true ravenclaw i'd just go, "whatever, as long as i know i'm right and smarter". LOL

  7. I thought it was your Ravenclawness that was afraid to be perceived as less knowledgeable in an area you were confident- knowing yourself. Then again, you could be just responding especially defensively to a challenge to what you perceive is your identity.

    Okay assuming you are right and the separation is by values, then please tell me succinctly what are the core values of each house. Be concise please, or i'll call you a Ravenclaw.

  8. nope i was just trying to be right and win. HAHA. i value being right and winning in things that are important (HP is oh-so-important isn't it. hm). and defending what i love <3

    Ravenclaws - curiosity, individuality, intelligence, learning, probably achievement.
    Slytherin - ambition, survival/getting what you want, excellence/greatness (which includes intelligence but not necessarily), defending the pride/tribe/honour.
    Gryffindor - courage, loyalty at any cost, doing the right thing, defending the pride, teamwork, physical strength/achievement maybe.
    Hufflepuff - fair play, diligence, decency/relations with others, trustworthiness, loyalty, teamwork.
