Monday, November 2, 2009

Lotus and the Cross

Finally, it's over.

I was the last presenter of the last tutorial.

Strange thing though.

I wrote so much in the handouts I expected the class to bury their eyeballs in the texts, which means I could bury my face behind my paper too.

But when I started reading from my handout, they looked up at me.

Er... God, why are they looking up?

I stopped reading from the text. I looked up at then too.

And so I stopped reading and started presenting.

Thus for a few good minutes I spoke about the Dalits. When I saw the student's shocked expressions upon hearing the atrocious discrimination Dalits face, I knew why God put me where I stood, and why he had gotten me their attention.

So I spoke passionately, passing on the fire Joseph D'souza had for the oppressed.

When I finished, the class smiled. Someone said I sounded more like I was promoting than presenting. I smiled.

Now they all think I'm Buddhist.


At last week's lecture on South Asian religion, I really thought I'd make a great Buddhist, even a monk. Buddha's "Middle Way" ideology I completely subscribe to. It's basically the logic of neither craving nor aversion. What the Bible would speak of as living a simple life.

See... too much craving is not good, and neither is too much abstinence.

I basically derive big joys from small things. For example, I love:

-Riding in fast cars
-Talking to pretty intelligent girls (pretty refers to the intelligence)
-Cookies in milk

(In no particular order.)

So I take them when I get them and I enjoy them while I can.

But if I don't get them I'm fine.

Anything is permissible, but I will not be mastered by anything.

I agree with the Buddhist way of life.

Just that I can only attain such peace through Christ.


  1. -thumbs up- Marianne Hui likes this

  2. Thanks Anonymous thumb person. Which part are you saying Marianne likes?

  3. Um Marianne forgot which part she likes. Anyway you forgot to mention that she was also up waiting for you when you got home!
