Thursday, November 5, 2009

Slippery Slope

It poured in Punggol.

I left the house and the moment I opened my umbrella...

The rain stopped.

I arrived in NUS in scorching heat.

Then suddenly...

I was getting wet, but I was so in awe of the water features I just started snapping away with my camera phone.

Quite pleased at how my E71 shots came out this good!

Feels so unreal! By this time people walking past were staring at me kneeling by the drain taking pictures. But I didn't care. I'm terminal so I'll do whatever I want if it doesn't hurt people.

Running Water

Pouring Rain

Peace and Violence


To be honest. I felt weird too.

I felt the awe and splendor of nature's force just staring at a drain.

But I felt the judging eyes of people seeing me as abnormal.


  1. i feel more awe and wonder at the genius of man-made drainage systems

  2. But do you stop and stare?

    Heh I was just thinking, water flows downwards. To keep Singapore dry, wouldn't the drains have to go down really deep?

  3. ur blog entries sound like i could have written them these days.

  4. i don't stare but i notice it. it's funny, if you were using a professional camera and looking totally comfortable, people wouldn't have thought it weird at all.

    hmm dunno, huh?

  5. Wah Kim you're right. I could imagine you saying those things too.

    Yeah Des. Maybe I should get proper camera after all. Or something like Claudia's will be good. Then again, photographers don't take drains...
