Friday, November 27, 2009

I've Made a Mess of Me

I just recovered from a week of having severe throat infection and inflammation.

I was on some medication and drank water like a fish.


All the while, each time mom checked me, she said my throat was not red or inflamed. I had no temperature either. I wasn't coughing. In other words, though I felt sick, I did not have any real symptoms of sickness.

It's the exam week. I did not show any signs of anxiety though I was greatly stressed. Maybe this was my id's (my unconscious') way of releasing its tension.

I am my own affliction
I am my own disease
There ain´t no drug that they could sell
No, there ain´t no drug to make me well

Yesterday night though, my temperature surged, my face was flushed, my eyes were bloodshot, my heart pounded, my breathing became more vigorous and my head was throbbing. Rashes started to form and my previous insect bites started to act up again.

I think I'm allergic to alcohol.

There ain´t no drug
There ain´t no drug
It´s not enough
The sickness is myself


  1. lol..Don't so stressed la..
    Party and Kbox after exams!
    A few more papers only!!
    All da bezt!!xDD

  2. Yes please. Woo Hoo! Is monday your last too?
