Friday, June 10, 2011

The Funeral Singer

As of tonight, I can add "Funeral Singer" to my resumé.

It was quite a big crowd at the funeral of one of our church member's mother.

I sang, with Shaun on the piano; I could not ask for more.

It was quite an experience for me, not so much singing, but being at a funeral again.

During the eulogy, I began to think of my own funeral.

And I wondered what people would say.

Would the people who I helped in secret come forward to share?

Would everyone finally know all the things I've been doing in the background, and all the sacrifices I've made for people in all my life?

As I watched the whole service run, I was faced with the uncomfortable truth.

A funeral is really not a service for the deceased person.

It's actually a ceremony that helps the rest who are left behind move on.

No one really shares much at a funeral except maybe the family.


I'll never be recognized for my efforts on this earth.

I guess it was a good reminder.

This world is not my home.

No, really, it's not.

And I'm not fighting for a reward on this earth.

1 comment:

  1. It's a 'Wedding Celerbration'. It's a celebration where the 'Bride' (auntie) is send off to be with the Bridegroom (Christ)!!!
