Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Boyz

I take the sec 2 and 3 boys for bible study every week.

We meet at someone's house on one weekday evening each week.

But this week, since it was the holidays, I took them out for a day.

Away from their xboxes and computers, they would see the world.

It was a Wednesday, and here is the account:

Before I left the house, mom asked me where I was going and with whom I was going. I told her I was taking my boys to the fish farm in pasir ris to do some kampong fishing. As I listed out the names of he boys I was taking, I realised that I had not asked Josiah along.


He has not been coming for quite a while and thus I forgot to ask him along. Bleargh.


Getting on the bus, I noticed the clouds, and so I prayed for the weather.

I was going to downtown east to buy a gun toy I wanted from a capsule machine.

When I alighted, Josiah was at the bus stop going home from school.

"What kind of God is this?!?" I later smsed my mom.

I invited him along, but he had things on later.

Nonetheless, I know what days he can join us for the next outing.


I got to downtown east as it began to drizzle.

I wanted to pray that God hold the rain, but I stopped.

What was important was not the rain.

God is not a God who listens to my commands.

I needed to pray in his will.

So I prayed for us to have fun, to bond, and for me to draw them close to each other and to God in whatever way I could. That much on my part. As for the weather, I let God decide what's best.


I found the machine and put in coins to turn out my toy. There were 6 models of guns in the machine, but only 3 I wanted.

I turned out 7 capsules.

6 were not the ones I wanted. Bleargh.

Okay lah one of the 6 was nice, but what do I do with the other 5?


As I left downtown east, it poured cats and dogs.

I prayed the same, that whatever the weather, we have fun.

And I knew that the clouds were not clouds of persistent rain.


On the bus there was a guy who boarded in the most interesting fashion.

He jumped onto the bus just as the doors closed, and closed his umbrella at the same time, revealing his cowboy hat that was covering his eyes. He stood at the entrance of the bus, in full sight of all the passengers, for a few seconds of pure awesomeness.

Then I took off my hat and took my place in the bus.


To white sands for lunch with Samuel.

Miscommunication. He thought it was next week.

Rested on the top floor till the boys arrived at Pasir ris MRT.

By then, the rain had subsided and stopped.

Amen to an early downpour!


There were 5 who came.

Thus solved my toy gun problem.

Gave them each one.


We arrived at the fish farm and after feeding small fish, I took them to see the largest freshwater fish in the world. The Gar Fish.

I bought the chicken pieces to feed the fish, but was worried that the grey skies would make it difficult to see the giant fishes.

The pond that was fenced up to the edge, with danger signs posted all over.

We leaned in closer, but could see nothing in the dark waters.

Suddenly the fish splashed and we all screamed and jumped.

It was right next to me at the edge of the pond and even I was caught by surprise.

These fish are longer than me!

The boys had an amazing time feeding the fish with meat chunks.

What a sight they were to behold.


Then we went kampong fishing.

These little boys may be fast at Halo and Star Wars, but they are hopeless at catching fish.

An older Indian tourist couple, curious about what we were doing, and came over to talk to us.

I was nice to them though we had a fishing time limit and stopped to explain things to them.

I like Indians, especially if they are living in India.


I then took my boys to the fish farms further in.

Drizzle, but we are men. We soldier on.

Ryan downed two cans of Milo.

Never seen that before.

And thus we came to the fighting fish farm.

Really beautiful stuff.

We returned to the kampong fishing farm to collect our fishes on the way out.

We were famished by the long day of activity.

The Indian couple who saw us offered us potato chips.

I declined like a true Chinese.

She scooped out a huge handful and put it in my hand like a true Indian.

I love Indians, especially if they are still living in India.


Off to McDonalds 3 bus stops away, and we walked the distance like true men.

Ryan downed two cups of milo once there.

Never seen that before.


It was not easy doing Bible study here at McDonalds.

Everything distracted the boys.

There was a TV just outside.

Jamie from our youth group also happened to be eating at the same Mac.

Marylin, Glorianne's sister also happened to walk past.


It was a fun day, and I enjoyed it very much.

Memories with these guys that I'm sure they will treasure too.

It's so different seeing them out of the classroom.

Learn so much more about them in just one afternoon.

Like how most of them are camera shy.

Conversation of the day:

Kenneth: Did you go fly kite recently?
Justin: Well... I was actually going to fly kites yesterday, but it rained.
Kenneth: Were you sad?

I thought he was asking if I was sad that it rained.

Then I realised what he was really asking-

Was I going to fly kite because I was emo?

He smiled a cheeky smile. I laughed.

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