Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How should I reply to this email?


The world's longest sentence is: (I may sound a little strong here but keep in mind that it is just for the sake of writing the world's longest sentence =D)

I have managed to find the most efficient maze ever which is by causing both the maze creator and the solver to travel the same distance which in this case the solver must touch every point possible in the maze in order that he travels the maximum distance and there would be no dead ends but this is compensated by the need for accuracy and twice the amount of speed that the solver has to draw his line so that overall he suffers a great deal of lack of time and thus if studied carefully you notice that the larger the maze the more efficient it is which in this case is in a shape of a spiral or to be more precise it is a double spiral with the opening of course at the vortex and with this I claim this maze as the most efficient maze because even if other mazes contain dead ends and may confuse the solver there would be no guarantee that the maze creator will win for the solver may at that point in time be in luck and thus find the correct path at first sight although the probability for this to happen is one over one million while the probability for the solver to solve the spiral maze on time is zero and with all this information I turn my focus and change my subject to the Thursday event in which I would like to suggest that as a group we meet somewhere that is familiar to all of us as some of us may not knot how to reach there so maybe we can meet at Changi MRT Station and we head off from there and so can we arrange this and see what time it is possible for all of us to meet and also Matthew suggested that we have bs so remind everyone and with that I turn my focus to move on to another subject but first we shall take a deep breath right now and by now you should have taken the deepest breath you have ever taken in your entire life because we are going to dive to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and swim back up to the surface so here goes and my next subject would be about Thursday again and I know that it is the same as the previous subject but I guess I could just make it a new subject just for the sake of writing the longest sentence in history and so I would like to interrogate about the thing which I think it is spelled as selay or celay or chalay or something like that but I just cannot get it right but who cares and I would like to know what we should bring and in case we are staying overnight do we bring an extra set of clothes and I was wondering whether there would be a toilet there to bathe and I would also like to know whether you would be staying overnight because I would like to know what you are bringing and I look forward to a wonderful night if you are sleeping with me and now my hand is a little pain and I have not been stopping for the last fifteen minutes and I bet the next thing you are going to say is to get a life and you would accidentally put a question mark at the end instead of an exclamation mark like when just now how you typed and you typed so quickly that I have no idea how you typed and you put that simple question mark that in the end made me bring up this topic in the longest sentence I was supposed to type and I guess I had better things to do but I have got a lot more things to say which is worth bringing up in the longest sentence in history and so I shall continue with what I really wanted to say and I guess I should stop beating around the bush like when I write this phrase and when I write that when I write this phrase and whatever and I think I should go back to what I wanted to say and so I think I want to talk more about the very first topic which is about the maze so I would like to know what you think about the spiral kind of maze I have invented and I guess I had better stop talking about the maze and by the way I was wondering whether you would need to go shopping for the barbeque stuff so that I may help you buy some stuff or we go together or something and I think we had better stop here cause I think that if you had read this far I must say congratulations for persevering to read this and I definitely think you be successful in life which now I would say I was just kidding in saying that successful in life nonsense and I really did not mean it and now I really hope that you would not be pissed off with me so would you kindly take some time to reply this sentence so I would like to say thank you very much and I shall sign off this sentence in the count of three so here goes three two one full stop but wait a minute there seems to be a problem and I think the problem is really large because my full stop key on the keyboard is spoilt and so I guess I have got to copy and paste from somewhere else so give me a moment and now I am opening my documents and then the folder called computing problems backup and in that folder there are files called alphabets and numbers and symbols and got it I shall click n the symbols document and I think I made a mistake as I should have double clicked on the document and finally I have opened the file and now my computer is lagging like crazy and now I am highlighting the full stop and pressing Ctrl+C to copy it and just before I paste it here I want to let you know that please reply me sentence that I took a lot of effort to write and that I feel so good to make an achievement which is to write the longest sentence in history that contains no symbols and with that I really like to say one thing because I am now really tired and that something is full stop.


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