Friday, June 3, 2011

I Take Issue

On monday I cycled 32km.

My calves screamed out in pain.

On tuesday I fenced for the first time in weeks.

On wednesday I went kampong fishing and visited 3 fish farms.

My inner thighs hurt like crazy.

Today I played xbox kinex and rock band on the Wii all afternoon and fenced in the evening.

I was smashed. I fought so badly I got cut and bled.

To be honest, I've been riding the wave of coolness being known as a fencer. But the hard truth is that behind the beautiful sabre with elvish written on it that I'm so proud to carry around, I'm actually quite a lousy fencer.

I fence like a little girl.

I look scared each time I fight. I charge down the piste towards my opponent and then slow down and hesitate when I get into range, afraid to attack.

Whatever. I'm not emo over this.

This can be worked on through training and I'll grow worthy of my blade's inscription in due course. I'm a true blue defender who needs to gain some skill and confidence in attacking.

So what am I emo about?

Nothing really, it's just that... I've been with people all week.

This introvert needs to recharge.

I'm drained, and when I'm drained I become more emo when alone. And I get upset when people try to cheer me up because I need to be emo today so I can be happy tomorrow. Just let me mope and blog and I'll be fine.

Gah. It didn't help that I did research on romance yesterday for that blogpost. Feels as though a sleeping lion has been awakened in me and it's making me more emo. I take issue with pop culture's representation of romance not only because of the pre-marital sex it condones but also because of how impossible it is to be a good man.

Mister Darcy from Pride and Prejudice... Edward and Jacob from the Twilight series... guys the girls love to love... Did the girls reading romance novels ever realise that these guys are all fragments of another woman's imagination? Romance novels are mostly written by women, and the guys they portray... Are not all that possible.

You know what it is to "spoil market"? It's when you show people something so awesome that everything else they see of it's kind can never satisfy them. Such unrealistic portrayals of perfect men make guys in really look unsatisfactory to girls. It's quite easy to get disillusioned with real people after you've seen such awesomeness, though only in fiction. This phenomenon is also what happened when Avatar came out but that seemed more severe. Seeing a better world than ours, people felt disillusioned with our world and wanted to commit suicide.

I fell better now having said all this.

Maybe a funny photo is in order.

Oh and I bought ink today. Black ink.

1 comment:

  1. ah... it's worth it, being a good man. because if you fight your hardest to remain pure and different from how society portrays the perfect man, and even if most of the girls in the world (even good, Christian girls) fall for that idea of what mould Mr Right should fit, then you'll win the heart of a woman whose heart is just as pure and different from how society portrays the perfect woman. That... is worth fighting for.
