Tuesday, April 6, 2010

As the LRT approached my station...

Someone jumped up and ran towards the window.

All eyes were on this suspicious character.

He held his face so close to the glass.

Everyone saw him, but no one saw what he was looking at.


I was talking to God in the train.

This year, I became the person I wanted to be.

But what I thought I wanted, was not what I really wanted.


It's been a while.

I have felt the silence from God.

The silence that makes me aware that something is not right.

It happens all the time.

But this time, it lasted for so long.

I tried everything to find out what was wrong.

I could not find it.

Eventually I lost hope that I ever would get out of this rut.

That sucked. I was a shadow of my former self.


Today I realized what it was.

No one has challenged the things I was doing this year.

None but one.

And that one voice...

Was actually the only voice I needed to hear.

So thank you Kimberly.


But I am an idiot.

And I am a sinful man.

And the silence will return.

What then? How will I overcome it?

How can I get out of the silence and live in his light?


I think it's like in Farmville.

You need something, you'll never be able to buy it yourself.

You need your friends to help you.


So help.

I suck at asking for help and prayer so I'll say it now before I really need it.

I can't do this alone.

If you're a friend, please keep me and my relationship with God in check.

I'm okay now, but 6 months was a little too long for silence.


  1. yay! finally a blog post without "girls" in it.. that's an achievement.. well done...


  2. i miss talking to u, Just.

    (what did i say ah)

  3. Thank you Hong. I think you said what i needed to hear too, but... i don't think i can accept that yet.

    Miss talking to you too Kim. On the bright side your passing comments change lives for the better. I can't remember your exact line, but you opposed my encouragement of the physical beauty ideal.
