Saturday, April 17, 2010


Kim complains about having 2 songs stuck in her head all day on replay.

Think that's bad?

I just one stuck in my head on constant replay.

This one:

To make things worst, the song is repetitive.

But this is the interesting part. Immediately after I finished watching it the first time, I could not remember the tune or lyrics. But the next day, I was singing the chorus all day.

The following day I watched it again. Immediately after watching it I tried to recall the song, but could only manage to recall as much as I did the day before. But the next day I was singing the entire song (less 2 lines).

How could I forget something immediately after hearing it, but remember it the next day?

I think it has something to do with the images- I could remember the images, and the music fit the pictures so it was somewhat possible to figure it out later.

Still, our cognitive ability baffles me. Thank God we don't need to understand it to use it.

PS: In lieu of the exams, don't worry if you can't remember what you studied once you put your textbook down. Go to sleep, it might just come to you tomorrow.

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