Saturday, April 24, 2010

Coffee Table

Today, 3 of psychology's brightest minds came together over a cup of coffee for some light banter.

They spoke of future research opportunities, thesis writing and the coming years for the field.

They laughed at how the older psychologist argued back and forth when their own studies got disproved. They would claim whatever trait or concept they were talking about existed somewhere, just that they could not prove it.

The 3 laughed much.

No one else would make any sense of what the 3 were talking about, except maybe a certain segment of a very brief minute, when they turned their attention to the girl in the examination hall who had just collected their scripts.

She was in a sleeveless off-yellow outfit and had a verse tattooed on her left arm, probably from a temple in Thailand. She wore a big black scarf in the cold examination hall that covered half her face. She looked like she had just jumped out from an anime series.

Yes, we 3 sat down today by chance together today and laughed at the world, at the exams, and most of all, at ourselves.

You never know... one day we 3 might actually make it big... Big enough for people to find us worthy of laughing at.

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