Saturday, April 10, 2010

The New Trend

Back in JC we took a vote on who we thought the Class Prince was.

No surprise that I didn't get voted by my classmates.

But what was surprising was that my teachers unanimously voted for me.

Another classmate concluded, "You appeal to older women."


I was at the surprise anniversary dinner for my parents last month, with several other parent couples from church.

Some of the mothers joking asked me if I would be interested in their daughters.

One of the fathers gave me a hand by saying,

"Impressing the mother is one thing, impressing the girl is another!"


I have come to believe I do impress older women. But in the past month a newer but no less depressing trend has emerged.

I appeal to younger sisters too.


I don't understand why mothers and younger sisters want me to get attached to their daughters/older sisters, while the daughter/older sisters, who are around my age, think otherwise.

Which made my friend ask, 

"Why don't you just date the younger sister instead?"


Heh, don't worry about me okay?

I'm not complaining, I'm amused.

I'll complain when I book the church for my wedding again and start looking for a bride.

For now, I laugh out loud.

Like my friend succinctly says, "LOL!"

1 comment:

  1. i'll riskily say this, but, i think ur cool. =) and not unimpressive at all. maybe it's not so obvious since we're so close that i'm always cutting u off and being totally blunt with u.=p

    can u imagine if girls your age (esp ur good friends) start telling u "Your impressive." it's a total slippery slope. i'm sure many girls think ur great but don't say it for fear of ppl like Jeff.
