Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Later uncle come and catch you!

I was on the train with my mom and I took out my water bottle.

"You're NOT supposed to drink on the train!" Mom said.

"Mom, I have a 1 hour and 30 minute ride to school." I replied.

"If you get caught by the train staff, they will fine you!"

"Mom, I look around before I drink. No green shirts"

"Ah see, see! Green shirt coming already!"

Random stranger walks past.

"Mom... I'm 21 already."


  1. My goodness... I can imagine!!!

  2. but it's ok to drink water or bottled stuff what. they're only against drinks that are "open", you know like cups and stuff.

  3. No man, they caught a woman eating sweets on RazorTV and I have gotten caught for drinking water before.

  4. heh. they won't catch me 'cause i'm a NINJA.

  5. Well sure you think you are. But you ain't met my friends yet.

    There's Mel the self declared Ninja (who's secretly an undercover pirate).

    And there's HL. She doesn't tell anyone she's a ninja, but you will never see her till she lets you.
