Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We humans are great at categorizing things. 
Big, small, black, white, tall, short. 

We're good at categorizing people too.

But the problem with any categorization we have is that
there will always be people who can't be categorized.


See, I went to school today with curled eyelashes.

Nothing wrong with that right? 


This creates a problem when I need to find a place where I belong.

People who go here don't have curled eyelashes. 

So where should I go?

Curled eyelashes are not enough to get you in here. 

(I stood outside the door long enough to take this picture... 
and didn't feel welcomed.)

Where was one like me to go?

Thankfully, NUS has a place designated specifically for me.


  1. Aww you don't belong in the dustbin =\

    Also, I haven't eaten at Megabytes in forever!
