Saturday, October 16, 2010

Attraction #3

Remember the series I wrote on the kind of girls I like? I wrote this draft in Feb. It didn't get posted till now because I could not answer the question at the bottom and I don't like unanswered questions. Now that I have an answer, here's the question.

The Second Look

We've covered the initial attraction already, but we haven't covered much ground in the psyche of Justin because, like he himself says,

"There's no such thing as love at first sight. If it's at first sight, it's not love."

While initial attraction may tell somewhat the kind of girls Justin finds attractive, it does not show the kind of girls that he tends to be attracted to. In most cases, the more attractive he finds the girl at first glance, the less likely he is to find himself attracted to her in the long run. So while first impressions lead to second conversations, they may be only be a good predictor of who Justin is more likely to talk to than who he's more likely to fall for.

And so we come to the second look. Most of the time this refers to the backward glance after noticing a pretty girl, but that's not what we're talking about today. This section is talking about girls who Justin has found himself attracted to, which is something different from finding a girl attractive at the first look. 

Here are some girls in movies whom Justin was not drawn to at first glance, but tended to like after a while, i.e. the second time he saw the movie.

Although she had acted in many movies, it was only in seeing Vicki in Red Cliff 2 that Justin started to like this girl more. (He now wants to name his future daughter after her character in 14 blades.)

The girl on the right is Charlene Choi, she acted as a comical young female cop in Jackie Chan's New Police Story. Justin only noticed her the second time he saw the film.

And before there was Vicki or Charlene, there was Rui En in the local romance drama "Chemistry".

So what's different about this group with first group? Well, what attracted Justin was not something obvious at the first glance, which means it was something less salient, something that took a lot longer to notice than external beauty. And this something within, was what Justin wanted so much to identify.

To be continued..."

Take into account I wrote this 8 months ago. I find it amusing that I was thinking this way, but if you get the gist of this post you'll understand my next one post when I answer the question.

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