Saturday, October 30, 2010


Mom came into my room just as I opened my eyes this morning.

She sat down on my bed.

Her eyes were red.

The first thing I thought was, "what happened to Marianne?"

She had gotten an email that one of the OM team's bus in South Africa had gotten into an accident and that it was in an area that my sister was supposed to pass through.

No lives were lost, but 7 of the 14 involved were injured and in hospital.

So I prayed with mom.

The mail said the home offices of the students injured had been notified, but OM Singapore had gotten no word so we had a feeling she was not one of those in the accident.

Still, it was rather unsettling.

Later on in the day we managed to get through to South Africa and confirmed that she was not on the bus that was hit.

It would have been the 3rd accident this week involving people from my church.

Pray for the student teams there with Marianne, both for the injured and the shaken.

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