Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It was a strange start to the day.

I tend to be late for school on Tuesdays. It's my first early day in the week.

I woke up and was startled by the fact that I had not heard my alarm.

Then I realised I woke an hour early.

So I stepped out of bed, and my foot touched something.

A lidless plastic container. Oh no.

The container that kept my spider had fallen off the table.

The monster I had raised was unleashed.

Then I noticed my huge corkboard, that my friends decorated for my 21st, was on the floor.

It had fallen off the wall and knocked the spider's container over as it fell.

Funny thing- I didn't hear a thing though my world was crashing around me.

Strange thing- the falling board did not hit my big, fragile perplexus puzzle ball that stood between it and the spider container.

It is a strange start to the day.

And now it's starting to rain in the sun.

"When everything comes crashing down
When all I know falls to the ground
When darkness comes and I can't see
You're always there to rescue me."

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