Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ever wondered what the inside of my head looks like?

Cognitive psychology research has shown that the world in our head is mostly bound by the same physical laws that govern reality.

We don't fly or swim without air in our head much. It takes longer to think up a gigantic elephant sized fly than to think of an elephant. We walk in our dreams.

But when we watch something like a horror movie, and see things that do not follow the physical laws of the world, we get quite scared. In fact, we are more scared after the movie is over, when we begin to recall the movie in our head, thus allowing the being(s) of supernatural ability to enter our mind. And because our mind's world reflects the world outside, we are limited by the laws of physics and are unable to fight off the ghosts that have entered and are running amok- our own mind traps us.

I posted this video because it really reflects what my mind looks like.

Sometimes, fearful and scary things enter my mind- but I do not let them take hold. I believe that if such supernatural horrors are true, then so are the supernatural weapons that defend me from them. So every time a ghost/monster/demon/vampire/werekim enters my mind, I instinctively draw out the weapons to fight them.

Easier said than done of course. What if the fear you're feeling is from outside of your mind? How can you believe your own thoughts can overcome the very real external element of fear?

I know they can't. But I also know that my source of strength and power is not in my own head.

"He that is in us is greater than he who is in the world."

If the God I trust in is the ultimate authority in the universe, what am I to fear?
For as long as I am in him, I am safe.

That's why I can sleep in front of a full body mirror, not say sorry when I pee on a tree in the army, look at myself in the mirror when I use the toilet with the lights off at 3a.m. in the morning and visit the cemetery in the middle of the night alone.

I'm not asking for trouble. I don't do these things because I am looking for trouble, I just find myself in such situations, and I don't want to give the devil a foothold in them.

(I went to the cemetery to pray by the way, to stand in the gap between the living and the dead, and to die to self and be alive in Christ.)


  1. Huh? The first part, can you explain slowly?

  2. You sound like my father. Don't understand it's okay. Go watch Inception.
