Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools Day

Come on NUS, come on Singapore...


I was the only person pulling pranks in school today. It's so sad. Everyone is so busy preparing assignments some didn't even realise today was the first of April.

It's so sad.

But it's okay. My parents were the saving grace.

Today mom gave me a brand new handphone.

I was over the moon.

My handphone was in such a bad state it could no longer take incoming calls.

This was what I really needed.

Finally I could use the internet on my phone again!

I was so happy. I did not expect to get a new phone so quickly.


Good one mom.

Dark humour indeed.


Coming home today, I got mail!

I like getting mail. It's nice.

Wait wait wait... Handwritten mail form the ministry of defense?

What could this say?


I thought it was Song Yang... but then again...

The way dad was acting as I read the letter gave him away.


I got the best parents in the world.

I really did become who I am today because of them.

And speaking of who I am today...

I went to school in formal clothes. Court shoes, dress pants, long sleeve shirt... I even brought a small Samsonite bag to top off the look. I used hair cream and wore my formal spectacles, and left for school.

Oh, and in my bag, I carried a stethoscope.

Ready to fool some poor uni classmates into thinking I was a medical student!

I dropped several jaws, including Jon Ma's over lunch. I'm normally in t-shirts and shorts, so it was a big change to see me dress up. And the moment Jon asked why I was in such formal clothes, I reached into my bag and "accidentally" showed off my stethoscope. Khoonnie who was having lunch with us was also surprised. It was the first time I was meeting her, but she figured I was not actually just about to go to the hospital for a medical internship though I said I was. Jon Ma, on the other hand, was confused for much longer. And he's supposed to be my best freaking friend for like forever?

He's losing his sense of humour! He was supposed to come to school in a wet suit today! But it did not rain, so he didn't. Such a waste of a good prank. Anyway, I gave him flyers to give out on my behalf to make up for it. I had forgotten to bring scotch tape, but he managed to solve the problem.

Bless his heart.


Then on to film and religion tutorial, where I "accidentally" took out my stethoscope again when the pretty girl from my class needed help. She knew I was from Sociology, like she was, and did not fall for the trick. The rest of the class however, was confused at why a medicine student was here taking an Arts module, even though it is a General Education Module. I left them in their confusion discussing quietly in class till the end of the lesson before telling them I'm not really a medical student.

"So why are you dressed so nicely today?"

"What date is it?" I replied.



"April... OH!!!!!

Wait you dressed up just for that?!?"

Yes I did. And I tell you... today was the hottest day in the whole year. For me to be in what I was wearing was a real sacrifice. But it made people smile. So it was worth it.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the library trying to do my essay and cooling down in the air con.

Spent more time sleeping off the heat though.

Then when I woke from sleeping with my head on the table, who was I to see but the beautiful red haired girl sitting 2 tables in front of me!

I went over to say hi and told her about my internship at the hospital.

She asked about my deadlines (we are in the same religion module...) so I told her the truth that I had 3 deadlines to rush next week.

She told me to hurry and work on it, especially if I was so busy working.

I confessed I was only a doctor for today.

She called me an idiot.

She smiled.

We laughed.


Just before I left the library I went up to her again to say goodbye.

She had been sneezing and had a running nose.

I took out my stethoscope and asked she would like me to give her an examination.


For a moment I think she forgot we were in a library.

Ah yes... it's moments like these I live for.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha don't worry there's still hope. my friends were prank calling people. and telling people they were secretly half-korean. also, did you hear about justin bieber quitting his label?
