Monday, April 4, 2011


I went to watch Sucker Punch.

Don't judge me.

I thought it was one of the best movies I've seen.

Don't jump to conclusions.

It's not about the girls. If not I would love Dead or Alive.

Style without substance.

Sucker Punch is so much like Pan's Labyrinth, one of my favourite movies of all time.

The dreamworld is a retreat from reality.

And eventually, when it is a retreat used too often, the lines between the real world and the dream begin to collapse.

Love it so much.

Because the dreamscape they presented is familiar to me. Fighting giants with nothing but a sword, facing hordes of orcs, taking on monsters... I really have done these things before in my imagination. Even today during lecture I was leaping down over the chairs and charging at my lecturer who had manifested herself with many arms as a monster to be slain in my mind.

But more than that, the dreamworld often helps us make sense of abstract life.

Like the great philosopher Desiree said,

"Movies make sense. Life does not."

It's a pity... It's a pity, that this movie was marketed in such a sexual way. Girls and guns- this is a boy's movie. Now I don't dare to say I like it.

But all's well. I reconcile my love for things frowned upon with the excuse of studying them.

I'm going to do a writeup on Sucker Punch for gender studies.

That gives me a good reason to watch it again!

Oh by the way, the chinese words on the mech warrior are supposed to say something like


Now we're talking!

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