Friday, January 21, 2011


I slept 11 hours. 

I woke up with a throat so painful it hurts to swallow even water, and a fever coming on.

But my dream... my goodness.

I was at a restaurant kellong with my mom. We had walked down the steps and were under the kellong on dry land. A portion of the ground below the kellong was dry land because the tide was low. Standing at the edge of the water, we could see in the clear sea fishes and sharks.

Mom was telling me how the last time she was here with Marianne, Marianne had to go to the loo, which was across from where we were. Problem was that she took so long in the loo that the tide came in and there was no more dry ground between the toilet and the stairs, and there were sharks in the water.

As mom was talking at the edge of the water a medium sized shark approached and stuck its nose out of the water towards mom. There was a little barricade just there but mom didn't flinch. Instead, she held her hand over the shark, trying to play with it. Mind you, the shark was trying to bite off her hand. 

Soon enough, another shark came, then another. 3 sharks were now trying to bite off mom's hand, but mom was tempting them still, trying to touch their noses. When one finally managed to bite and mom said "ow!" I rushed forward and with my water bottle (it was all I had), I started hammering the sharks head.

And then I realised that the tide had risen to my knees. All hell broke loose as the sharks were no longer confined to a line and could surround me. I beat my retreat trying to make sure that none gets behind me. I was trying to figure how to knock them out instead of just beating them back only to have them come at me again.

There was fear in the dream, but I was not mastered by it. I fought the sharks courageously and felt great that I could die in such a worthy manner. In fact, I was even wondering if I was being cruel to the sharks by hitting them on their heads and whether they would have any problems associated to trauma to the head in later life.

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