Friday, January 21, 2011

Dark have been my dreams of late

Lacking sleep after lunch, I headed to the library to do some readings.

Needless to say I could hardly keep my eyes open.

I threw my head back and closed my eyes, drifting into sleep.

Some time later...

I woke long enough to send an sms before collapsing on the table this time.

Some time later...

I woke long enough to wipe the saliva from my hands and slump back against the chair.

Some time later...

I woke long enough to send a final sms before sprawling on the table again.

About an hour had passed.

This was an unusually long period for me to sleep in an uncomfortable position.

Oh, but my dreams were so dark...

Many of my church friends were on a train and dad and I had just gotten word from Marianne, in the form of a vision she had, that all in the train were headed for death. I jumped on the train to warn the others about it.

I tried all I could to warn them, even as the train pulled out of the station. There was still time to get off, but even I knew not when the end would come. I had to jettison the train too, but I knew not exactly how much time I had left to try to convince my friends.

Samuel was on the train, and I was confident of convincing him. Even if he did not believe my logic, he would trust me as a friend. But he was debating with me with good arguments, which increasingly made my stand that we should jump off the train seem absurd.

I was ready to jump off on my own, and hopefully my example would make others do likewise. Then... then I saw people like Andrew and Amanda, my friends with potential futures ahead of them still remaining comfortably in their seats. And the idea that these friends with so much going for them are going to die prematurely tore me apart. They had to get off the train!

The train pulled into a station and everyone transferred to another train. I begged them not to because this was the best chance to get off the train line. In fact, it was easy. But... it was too easy that people didn't. My friends looked at me and said the first train that I predicted they would die on did not crash, so why should they not get on the second.

It was a good question, and I wondered, but my fear of being right outweighed any arguments my friends had. What was there to lose if i was wrong? Nothing. But if i was right, they would lose everything.

So did the train crash in the end? I do not know. I woke before the dream resolved.

Yet I took so long to really be aware of the world i was in, the library I was sleeping inside, the table i was leaning my head on. It felt like I had come from another world and I was not registering it right. My thoughts and emotions were left on the train and I was suddenly removed.

Dark were my dreams today. I looked more wary after waking than before.

These anti-histamines for the sandfly bites are messing with my mind.

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