Saturday, March 19, 2011

The circumstances I find myself in


I entered the train today on my way to the marina barrage. I was carrying 10 kites.

The train carriage was empty, except for one older man sitting at the last seat.

I went up to him to ask for his seat.

Seriously. In the entire train, there was only one spot I could lean my giant kite on, which was on the last seat in the train, and he was sitting there.


Marina Barrage, and the kites flew wonderfully. Too wonderfully.

When a kite flies too high and the winds change, oh dear.

The kite I was helping to fly got entangles with 4 kites.

I pulled one of the other kites down and tried to remedy the knot.

Meanwhile the kite I was using that was still in the air got entangled with another 3 kites.

These 3 were bigger kites, like mine, and one of which was doing loops around the knot and spiraling down towards a group sitting obliviously on the grass.

I ran forward and with my bare hands grabbed the kite string of all 4 kites.

Mind you, when it comes to big kites, people use big reels so they will not need to touch the string and cut their fingers with the high tension produced. I was not pulling at not one, not 2, but 4 kites between my fingers, desperately trying to maneuver them apart and away from this group. I felt like spider-man almost getting torn apart as he tried to stop a train with webs coming out of his hands hands.

Then I saw that one girl in the group was a very pretty friend from my film and religion tutorial. I called her name and she looked back to see me in a strange position.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Saving your life." I replied and signaled her to look at the kite spiraling directly over her head.


I went to Cathay after that with my gigantic kite.

I felt weird carrying something as big as Cloud's Buster Sword from Final Fantasy VII.

Then as I entered the building I realised there was some cosplay event happening and people were dressed up as anime characters.

I felt totally at home and even carried my kite sword a little more prominently.

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