Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I bought chocolate at the Wo-Mun booth in school

I crept up to Valerie and gave her one.

I chased YingXuan through the library to give her one.

I walked to the other side of school to give Hong Ling one.

I sold Jonathan 3. And bought more.

I gave one to Uncle Henry at AS7 who replaced the printer paper for me.

I made JingWen jump in the media room when I gave her one.

I surprised Celeste with one. She ate it with the paper wrapping.

I told Aerene about the paper wrapping when I gave her one.


Bowling with the fencing team.

1st round, I got an epic low score.

Second round, I bowled to a score of 109 in 9 sets.

That's 3 strikes and many spares.

Now down to my final set.

My previous record was 114.

I just needed to knock down more than half the pins to break it...

I bowled two consecutive gutters.


It's full of missed opportunities.


I gave Florence a chocolate before I left.

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