Sunday, March 6, 2011


It pays to be randomly nice to people.

I'm making a reference to an incident I blogged about a while ago.

See Faith was the writer of the play wo(men). And it was nothing short of amazing. I heard her script got nominated for an award after being put up by the likes of Neo Swee Lin. I knew her from the brochures we got at the show and saw her at the library. So I was nice and told her I loved the play in a creative way (see  above link).

Last night she added me on Facebook, having come to the first night of my Chamber Readings, and I was so delighted. I wanted to add her before, but she was someone I looked up to so much I knew her from posters... and I felt it might be awkward for her to if I do, so I didn't.

Now after seeing me on stage, she remembered me and added me on FB.


I did a random act that made her day a long time back, not expecting to ever see her again. But see... it pays to be randomly nice to people.

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