Monday, March 28, 2011

A Week Ago...

Last week was tough.

By midweek, I realised I had problems getting to sleep.

I was in a state of semi-consciousness in class.

I could ask questions, but could not write anything down legibly.

Eczema started breaking out on my skin around my wrist.

I was locking my jaw without noticing, grinding my teeth down.

And I could not remember my dreams.

All signs of stress, and I think it is just because my phone is not working properly.

My weeks are packed to the brim, and I'm living life to the fullest.

But when my phone fails me, I cannot use Evernote.

When I cannot use Evernote, I waste my 1 and a half hour journey home.

I get home with that much less time to blog.

I only wrote one long post last week, but it got lost when the computer hung.

I slept later and later at home, and more and more in class.

Crash and burn I tell you.

Anyway, I took a good long weekend off.

I lay in bed from 10.30pm last night. Only managed to fall asleep at about 11 plus? But oh it was a good sleep. I dreamt of aliens and war and Yaoqi leading us to our death and glory.

"The wonders a good night's rest doth for the soul!"

So I'm refreshed for the week ahead.

Last week was one of the most important weeks in my life.

My life took a turn.

I shall attempt to write about last week this week, one day at a time.

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