Tuesday, March 1, 2011

She did not know...

That Mubarak had been overthrown.

Yes, I was trying to explain to someone what had been happening in Lybia.

I told her how the graduate in Tunisia set himself on fire, and this was the spark that started massive protests that inspired those in Egypt that were successful enough to topple their all powerful leaders.

Even North Korea is worried now.

We are living in a time of the most amazing revolutions happening around the world one after the next, some simultaneously.

Don't you dare miss it.

And it will be embarrassing for me if the readers of my blog know not what is happening around the world. Thus I blog about it. Please pray with me, especially now for Libya. Protesters got hurt in Egypt, some real badly, but at least the military said they were on the people's side.

"You look tired, your eyes are all red." My mother just said to me.
"No mom, I'm crying." I replied.
"Why? Reading about Libya?"

In Libya the bomber planes are shelling protestors. This is a totally different level.

We have unarmed protestors and ambulances opened fire upon.
We have soldiers burned to death for not shooting protestors.
We have Colonel Gaddafi saying he wants to arm his supporters to defend their capital.

Peaceful protestors are shot at, bombed, and poison gassed.

And yet they fight on.

‘You want to know why it is so important to us?’ One Libyan woman said. ‘Because the fear has gone out of our hearts. It’s been inside all of us for more than 40 years, but now it’s gone. I can’t tell you how that feels.’

The end of this regime is nigh... but pray it come soon.

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