Monday, March 7, 2011

Random Dino Day

I needed a day off.

My dinosaur was going to die soon.

So I took Dino the dinosaur for a walk on Saturday.

At Hwa Par Villa.

It's actually quite a nice place.

Full of strange juxtapositions.


And though my dinosaur is of Jurassic proportions...

It still looked small in the hands of the animals here.

To be honest I felt weird carrying the balloon dinosaur around alone.

Yes it was it's final few days on earth, and I owe dinosaurs my existence...

But I still felt a little stupid.

And I asked myself why I was doing this.

Yes it's random, but every single passer by made me feel stupid.

So I stopped dragging Dino around and sat down somewhere to read the Bible.

And as I calmed down, I noticed people walking past.

They were smiling when they saw Dino.

Some even came up to ask me where I got it from.

I then began smiling back.

Only then did I remember why I was doing this random act.

If I was awkward, people would not dare to laugh.

But if I smiled when they look at me, they would too!

And that's what I did for the rest of the day, walking around Hwa Par Villa.

Eventually I was at Kent Ridge Park to watch the sunset.

I sat down at the benches with the fantastic view of the harbor and watched the sun slowly set, while catching spiders and meeting some weird insects- like one that I thought was a leaf which had landed on my foot.

It was so beautiful and jumped so far I could not find it once it jumped onto the grass patch.

But here's what I loved most about the day.

Everyone who walked past, young and old, stopped for Dino.

Older folks asked me about it, young kids came to pat it, dogs came curiously towards it, and parents took pictures of their children with it. Laughter abounded in the evening at Kent Ridge Park to the backdrop of a glorious sunset.

Later on I drove down to Funan the IT Mall, crossing the ERP Gantry 5 minutes before it was disabled (RAH!!!) and walked Dino from Parliament house to the second story of Funan. At one point I was about to cross the road when I saw 4 Malay boys in black outfits. Upon seeing my balloon, they smiled, one commenting that he thought it was a dog and wanted to run. I replied humorously to them and we had a good laugh.

And then I had my first KFC meal in a long time... I had stopped eating fried food since the production reached the final stages and my voice needed conservation.

BTW, the tank display at the top of Kent Ridge Park seems to have been stolen.

Down with these thieves!

So any way, it was one random day.

I learnt something new about myself:

I'm in the business of making people smile.


  1. I'm glad you had a day off, and that Dino made people smile :D I don't remember the statue of liberty being in Haw Par Villa, but then again I haven't visited in years..

  2. LIKE! i wish i had a better concept of time (AND more time) so i could do things like these.

  3. I think things like this don't often need much time, just a consciousness to do.

    Sure you may not be able to carry a balloon to a park, but you could carry a packet of chocolate through school and give it to random people who look stressed or like they lack sleep, even as you commute between lessons.

    Takes much less time, but effect is more or less the same.

    (Alternatively you can put up unicorn posters in SMU and change the phone number to your own... Hehe.)

  4. i think i'll pluck up courage to do the Chocolate Dare sometime soon.
